A common concern when someone moves is, what about my health insurance? Is it still good?  What do I have to do?  The answer depends on your type of insurance.


If you have Medicare, you will need to notify Social Security of your new address.  We recommend not doing this until you actually move.  Social Security will check that the new address is an actual residential address.  If you want to use a PO Box you can, but there has to also be a residential service address on your record. Social Security will notify Medicare of the new address.


Advantage plan or Part D

Medicare will then check on your coverage and they will notify your Part D prescription drug plan or your Medicare Advantage plan of the new address.  If the new address is outside of the service area for that particular plan, that plan will then be instructed to disenroll you.  The disenrollment from that plan gives you the right to choose a new plan in your new area. The plan will notify you in writing of the disenrollment and of your right to enroll in a new plan.  Do not just choose the same plan!  Review the options available.  You only get one chance to use the new enrollment.  


Medicare Supplement

If you have a Medicare Supplement, you must also notify that insurer directly by calling the member services phone number on the back of your ID card.  Your agent cannot do this for you.  Good news is, your medicare supplement is still good in any state, you do not need to change it.  Bad news is, the rate may change depending on your new zip code.   


Private Direct IFP

If you have a private insurance plan, also called an Individual Family Plan (IFP), you also need to contact the insurer directly.  They will inform you of your rights and advise whether you can keep the plan or not. 


Covered CA

If you are enrolled through Covered Ca, you or your agent will need to update the address with Covered Ca.  If you are staying in California, you will have the option to choose a new plan in the new area.  If your new address is outside of California, you will be disenrolled from your current plan and have the right to choose a new plan in the new state. 


Most important tip

Know your options before you report the move and report your move at the beginning of a month.  In most cases, if a plan has to disenroll you, they will do so at the end of the current month.  So if you call in the last week of the month, you may only have days of coverage left, and a very short window of time to get new coverage.